How well do u know ur Wings of Fire books?(books 1-15)HARD

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This quiz is simple, answer questions about Wings of Fire, try to get them right. (There are 11 questions) This is my first quiz, so i'm sorry if it's bad, please let me know if it's too hard, too easy or spelling errors so I can fix it.

There are spoilers!! if u have not read all books 1-15. I recommend reading them before taking this quiz. Thank you for choosing my quiz. (I'd appreciate it if you recommended it to friends!)

Created by: Moonwatcher
  1. What was Freedoms original name?
  2. Which option shown below is a fake plant from the Poison Jungle?
  3. Who's the Nightwing in Silver winglet?
  4. How many hives are in Pantala?
  5. What is the first thing Tsunami said to Riptide? (In Aquatic)
  6. How many rainwings did the nightwings kidnap? (Including the rainwings that died.)
  7. What did Sunny write on the rock to scare the nightwings in book five?
  8. Which side is the "Great Ice Cliff" on?
  9. Who killed Scarlet?
  10. How many siblings does Tsunami have?
  11. How many claws does Jerboa ll lose by doing animus magic?

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