How Swashbuckling Are You?

A swashbuckler, I reckon, is quite a swashy buckler, like often seen in pirate or adventure movies -but swashbuckling is something that comes from yer heart.

This quiz is purely for entertainment, I'm nobody to question you. However, if swashbuckling is what you like or you just want to know whether you're one of us, take this quiz.

Created by: Some Random Gal

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Let's start with something simple. What kind of clothes do you usually like to wear?
  2. Do you consider yourself easy-going and/or happy-go-lucky?
  3. If you had to watch one of these movies, what would it be?
  4. Do you have a particular favourite animal? What is it?
  5. If you could choose from these options, where would you live?
  6. Do you get bored easily?
  7. Pick one of these, please.
  8. And one of these.
  9. What do you think about shoes?
  10. Did you really take this quiz because of your interest towards swashbuckling or just out of boredom?

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Quiz topic: How Swashbuckling am I?