How similar is your OC to mine?

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The title says it all my friends,find out if your OC is similar to mine,in the middle or not at all.Enjoy :) (BTW this is my first quiz and I do not know what I'm doing with my life lol).

Oh also please dont change your OC to be like mine if you don't get a rust saying"similar".I'm sure your OC is amazing as is and doesn't need to be like mine to make it a good character!Plus,it doesn't really make it an "Original Character" anymore,if you do that.

Created by: HiEggsAreCool
  1. How tragic is your OC's backstory?
  2. What species is your OC?
  3. What is your OC's eye colour?
  4. What gender is your OC?
  5. What is their hair/fur colour?
  6. How physically strong are they?
  7. How mentally strong are they?
  8. What type of clothes do they wear?
  9. What talents does your OC have? And how fast did it take to obtain these skills?
  10. Does your OC have any siblings?
  11. Does your OC have any love interests?
  12. How many friends does your OC have?

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Quiz topic: How similar is my OC to mine?
