How similar are we?

My name is Omi! I made this quiz while I was taking a dump cuz I was bored. (Sorry for the TMI)! See if you are similar to me in this cool, entertaining quiz!

I hope you will enjoy my quiz, I’m doing it on mobile so there may be some typos or weird autocorrects, sorry in advance. Have a nice day! Adios besties!

Created by: Omi
  1. Age group?
  2. Sexuality?
  3. Pronouns?
  4. Which of the following best describes you?
  5. Are you good at body-language reading?
  6. Fav animal?
  7. Natural Hair color?
  8. Natural eye color?
  9. Height?
  10. Do you have any known mental disorders?
  11. How often do you say ‘skill issue’?
  12. Are you suicidal?
  13. Which personality describes you?
  14. Which video game do you prefer?
  15. Last question: rate your laziness on a scale of 0-7, 0 being not lazy at all and 7 being EXTREMELY lazy

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