How pretty are you? Accurate

If you very want to know how pretty you are take my quiz and if iij s a bad result dont take it too leaturly it is just a quiz for fun and you are pretty just the way you are

There probably is some spelling issues. Because I am bad at spelly soooooooooooooo now you know ok.I hope you like your results and have a good day/night

Created by: Person1Q
  1. What is the color of your hair
  2. What your eye color
  3. How pretty do you think you are
  4. What you your body type
  5. How do you like my quiz soooo far
  6. Are you doubting yourself?(like the way you look)
  7. What do you think the answer will be
  8. Do you wear makeup
  9. I dont know what else to put soooooo what is you favorite dessert
  10. This is the last question ar ed you ready for your results

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I? Accurate
