How pretty are you

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I'm really sorry,but I didn't know how to use this website so your results are not accurate. I'm very sorry. Please keep reading. Please do my quiz

Everyone is truly built idyl inside and out. Hi bye actually don't go. You'll eggs I, not allergic, kindly do my quiz. Hick rock goes the clock form gone

Created by: Alison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What color is your hair
  2. What color are your eyes
  3. What is your weight
  4. Do you wear make up
  5. How clear is your complexion
  6. Do you have or every had a boy/girl frien
  7. Do people think your pretty
  8. Do you have a pretty smile
  9. Do you have a pretty smile
  10. Do you have good fashion
  11. Do you have good fashion

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I