How Popular Are You?

This is a simple quiz to tell you how popular you are. It may or may not be accurate, but just give it a try.

Make sure you answer the questions honestly, and don't fake it to get the result you want. If you do, you won't get a real popularity result.

Created by: 246bro
  1. How many friends including acquaintances?
  2. What do you look like?
  3. Do you play sports?
  4. What are your grades like/how smart are you?
  5. How often do you get bullied?
  6. Are you confident?
  7. What's your stereotype?
  8. Do people often gossip about you?
  9. What do you do during weekends?
  10. What cloths U were?
  11. Wots your social class.
  12. How many people like you?
  13. How many parties are you invited to?
  14. Are you naive
  15. What phone do u have (if U don't have any of these answer the one U think is closest)
  16. What type of house do you live in?
  17. What do you think you are?
  18. Do you have social media?
  19. If you have social media (not including YouTube or WhatsApp) how many followers do you have.
  20. Ok last question: how many times have you been asked out for the past six months.
  21. Ok this is the last question for real What did you think of this quiz.

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Quiz topic: How Popular am I?
