How Popular are you?

There are many popular people and lame people but do you think you are the lame or popular. The popular are the one who has a lot of friends the lame are the one who has no friends.

Find out if you're popular or lame think about if before you start think how many friends do you have how long do you play video games or watch tv or study well in just a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: Ellie
  1. How many times do u DAB a day?
  2. Do you use Instagram?
  3. What do you spend most of your day doing.?
  4. When you dab which way does you arms go?
  5. How popular do you think you are?
  6. WHICH SOCIAL MEDIA? Must choose only one
  7. What grade you in?
  8. What type of music do you listen to?
  9. Complete the sentence: I'm not popular but I have _______
  10. What your favorite holiday?
  11. Which superhero?

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Quiz topic: How Popular am I?