How poopy are you?

There are many poopy people who are poopy and those who are not. Poopy means to be a poop. Not literately, though. Being a poop means to be mean and grumpy.

How poopy are YOU? Are you grumpy and mean, Or happy and optimistic. You could be any. I'm glad I made this quiz. Some people out there need to know how mean and bully-like they are.

Created by: awesome1

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. it is a Saturday but your mom makes you wake up early. What do you do?
  2. How much do you like this quiz so far?
  3. Your little brother or sister (Imagine you have one) wants to play with you, but you want to be alone for the moment, what do you say?
  4. You are a poo.
  5. Do you cheat in math?
  6. How do you like this quiz so far?
  7. How awesome are you?
  8. What is your favorite color? (Doesn't affect score)
  9. I DON'T CARE ~~~~~
  10. Last question, How much do you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How poopy am I?