How perfect are you?

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Perfection is something that is very hard to define. These days, there seems to be an ever-thinning acceptance of appearance and lifestyle. Are you perfect?

This quiz will prove just how perfect you really are. You might not believe it, but it's true, and nobody should be able to tell you otherwise. Keep your head up, beautiful. (:

Created by: Aeyvah
  1. What colour are your eyes?
  2. What colour is your hair?
  3. What colour is your skin?
  4. How much do you weigh?
  5. How tall are you?
  6. Do you wear glasses?
  7. Do you have braces?
  8. What stereotype fits you best?
  9. Where do you shop?
  10. Where do you shop?
  11. What is your sexual orientation?
  12. What music do you like?
  13. Most appealing job out of these?
  14. What's your religion?
  15. Do you think anybody is perfect?
  16. Finally, do you think you're perfect?

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Quiz topic: How perfect am I?