How organized are you?

Do you think you are ready to face any mess and can clean it up before you know it? Or do you find staying organized pointless and long to do something else?

Take this quiz to find out how organized you really might surprise yourself!! There's no right or wrong answers so be's only a bit of fun!

Created by: Buttercup!
  1. Are you ever late for school/work?
  2. Do you find tidying a struggle?
  3. Do you keep jars and boxes for storage?
  4. Do you set reminders on your phone
  5. As soon as you have finished with something what do you do?
  6. What's in your schoolbag?
  7. Is your bedroom tidy?
  8. What's under your bed?
  9. How often do you lose things?
  10. Would you go tidy a sibling's bedroom?

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Quiz topic: How organized am I?
