How nerdy are you?

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There are many smart people in this world but few are nerds! Are YOU a nerd or are you just smart or are you not smart at all? Take this quiz to find out! It's not 100% accurate is sure is fun!

Are you a nerd? Or are you just smart? Or are you really not smart at all? Take this quiz and you'll get your answer after these awesome and easy 12 questions! It's not 100% accurate but it's sure is fun!

Created by: Afsheen Mahomed
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are the first 10 numbers of pi?
  2. Who said "I find your lack of faith disturbing" in Star Wars?
  3. What is 42?
  4. Your mother is so classless that
  5. In E=MC2 what does c stands for?
  6. Favorite tv show?
  7. Do you understand Sheldon Cooper's Jokes?
  8. How big is your social circle from one to ten?
  9. Are you hygienic?
  10. How do you usually dress?

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Quiz topic: How nerdy am I?