How much would you be Harry Potter's friend?

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Hello! This is my Harry Potter Quiz! I hope you enjoy this quiz and it may include some spoilers. I am a huge Harry Potter Fan! If you are too, come and take this quiz! (Also, did you know that Fred and George were born on April Fools day? I didn't. Also, the person who played Moaning Myrtle was actually 36 when filming started! Dang! She is old! )

Please have fun and be happy! I am very sorry if you didn't get what you wanted or if it was hard to understand/read. Just have fun!!! This rule about the words is stupid. STUPID!!! Anyway, take the quiz! What are you still doing here?!

Created by: GryffindorGirl
  1. What is your Hogwarts House?
  2. Do you like Quidditch?
  3. Do you like Treacle Tart?
  4. Do you like Ginny Weasley?
  5. Do you like the color red?
  6. Do you like Harry Potter? (If not, then why are you taking this?!)
  7. Do you like Ron Weasley?
  8. Do you like Hermione?
  9. Which is the saddest death for you?
  10. What word are you most comfortable with?
  11. What are the Hogwarts Houses?
  12. When was Harry born? (Month)
  13. Right or Left?
  14. Which is your favorite color?
  15. Heads or Tails?
  16. How do you feel?
  17. In the series, "Harry Potter" do you notice unusual things that others don't?

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