How much of Korean are you?

Hey guys if you wanna know if you’re Korean or not play this quizz! Don’t be sad if you’re not pleaseeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehehehehehehehehe btw enjoy! Ok

Omooo Hey guys if you wanna know if you’re Korean or not play this quizzzz come on jump on and see if this country suits you just answe the questions correctly and honestly

Created by: Jiah
  1. Your skin colour
  2. What woul you like after school with your friends
  3. Your height
  4. Your fav kdrama
  5. Pick a kpop group
  6. If you had a Korean friend you would _ with her/him
  7. Choose a coffee you like-
  8. You hate when your Korean friend _
  9. Your favourite subject-
  10. Your aegyo-

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Quiz topic: How much of Korean am I?
