How much of a wolf-lover are you?

Many people, love wolves, but few are true wolf-lovers. What is a wolf-lover? A wolf-lover is a person who loves wolves so much they cannot love them more!

Are YOU a wolf-lover? Do you have the qualities to really LOVE wolves? Until now you could only guess. But guess no longer! In minutes you can find out if you truly love wolves, or if you truly despise them!

Created by: Lavender

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You are camping and you hear a wolf howl. What do you do?
  2. How much do you think you like wolves?
  3. Do you like dogs?
  4. Someday, do you want to see a wolf in the wild?
  5. Would you ever want to pet a wolf, like in a zoo or something?
  6. Do you have wolf items, like stuffed animals or statues?
  7. What kind of wolf books do you enjoy reading?
  8. How much do you know about wolves
  9. Do you have any wolf clothes?
  10. What is your favorite animal?
  11. You just have to guess. I'll give you a hint - 3 is a wolf's favorite number, but 2 they despise. 6 means meat, but 5 means veggies. 1 has no meaning, and 4 means ocean.

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Quiz topic: How much of a wolf-lover am I?