How much of a Stalinist are you?

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Take a quiz to see how much you align with Stalin. Do you hate the man? Do you adore him? Are you a communist? A sympathizer? Find out now. Enjoy the quiz.

Stalin is a great subject of history and his deeds will be spoken of for centuries to come. Indeed, he is a subject of controversy, but many people know the truth.

Created by: joseph
  1. Was Stalin evil?
  2. Which out of these was a nickname of Stalin?
  3. How many did Stalin kill?
  4. What was Stalin's favorite song?
  5. Why were the purges conducted?
  6. Which of these books was NOT written by Stalin?
  7. Was the USSR under Stalin democratic?
  8. What was Stalin's ethnicity?
  9. Who did Stalin name as his successor?
  10. How many times did Stalin try to resign?
  11. Did Stalin promote bureaucracy and corruption?
  12. What is the year of the beginning of the cornman's terror? Real Stalinists know the answer to this without context.
  13. Describe some contents of the 1936 'Stalin' Constitution.
  14. How did Stalin's administration treat religion?
  15. If you could, how many photos of Stalin would you place in your house?
  16. Pick an author in regards to Stalin.
  17. How many books and articles by Stalin have you read?
  18. Which of these quotes did Stalin say?
  19. There is a protest demanding better prices in stores. What would Stalin do?
  20. There are revisionists and bureaucrats in the Central Committee. What do you do?
  21. What to do with saboteurs and traitors?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Stalinist am I?
