how much of a nerd are you

You guys are awesome for trying my quiz you all are smart no mather what you got nerds unite sierusly guys thanks for taking the nerd test did you do good

Are you a nerd take the nerd test to find out are you a jock or a nerd or average or ultra nerd have fun and please share the quiz on facebook and Twitter are you a nerd

Created by: Adam Samara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats 2+2
  2. Which came first the chicken or the egg
  3. Whens abraham lincolns birthday
  4. What does bannanas give you
  5. How many people are on earth
  6. What thing on this question has the most germs
  7. Do you play video games
  8. Do you like school
  9. What kind of youtubers do you watch
  10. Do you go outside

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Quiz topic: How much of a nerd am I