How much of a nerd are you?

There are many weirdos, but few nerds. Being nerdy is amazing. What is a nerd? Someone who loves sci-fi and video games. Someone who is good in class. Someone who is addicted to coca- ok nvm

Are YOU a nerd? Do you have the brainpower of a... nerd? No? Then go away. But if you think you do, take the test! It's easy! All you need is a gun to kill yourself with! :D nvm

Created by: Hello. of epicnessmajor
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Minecraft or Roblox?
  2. Do you want to have a girlfriend?
  3. Transformers Age of Extinction OR Godzilla
  5. Blog or Webstore?
  6. Skype or Facetime?
  7. Google or Bing?
  8. Wanna look at some memes?
  9. Latest Transformers game? (quiz made on 27th July 2014)
  10. Lol.
  11. This is the last question! Answer right to get a free derp face! ಠ_ಠ

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Quiz topic: How much of a nerd am I?