How much of a gravity falls fan are you?

Many shows and cartoons claim to be of the mystery and paranormal genre, but since 2012 the only show I believe to truly be of that genre is the hit television show-Gravity Falls

How much of a Gravity Falls fan ARE you? With this quiz you have the opportunity to find out! Have you ever had your friends say that you aren't an actual fan? Problem SOLVED!

Created by: samee punz
  1. Who is the main character?
  2. Who is the author of the journals?
  3. Who is the main villan?
  4. what inspired the episode "Soos and the Real Girl"?
  5. What is the name of the sherrif?
  6. Who is NOT A character
  7. How many words are there in the original theme song?
  8. What did Mabel and Dipper use to escape the government agents in "Not what he seems"?
  9. True or false- Dipper found the #3 journal in a tree
  10. Ok... you've come this far;don't worry though-this is the last step. gravity falls is-

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Quiz topic: How much of a gravity falls fan am I?