how much intelligence do you really have?

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We all know that they are many smart people but few geniuses born...A genius is someone with mind that has a exceptionally high IQ, A genius is someone with a extroadinary mind ,just waiting to be unleashed.

"So Are YOU a genius? Do you have the brainpower to claim this prestigious tittle? Let's see how sharp you really are?. In just a few minutes you will find out if your brain has gone into reload or if your brain has reached complete shut down.

Created by: Shanice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you physically fit?
  2. Do you consider a cup of water to be half full or half empty?
  3. What grades did you get at school?
  4. What kind of films do you like?
  5. What cartoon character would you say describes you best?
  6. What are your interests?
  7. If you had to choose one below what would you choose?
  8. Do you read books ,magazines, newspapers on a daily basis?
  9. What animal would describe you best?
  10. Can a dentist perform a surgical extraction of a impacted wisdom tooth?

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Quiz topic: How much intelligence do I really have?