How much do you like Harry potter

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There are people who love Harry Potter. There are people who like Harry Potter. There are people who are okay with Harry Potter. And there are people who don't even like Harry Potter.

If you like Harry Potter, this quiz will help you know how much. You could be between a hater and me (I'm a major Potterhead). I hope you all do your best, and your score should not haunt you...unless it on a me level :)

Created by: Macey
  1. Have you read the Harry Potter books?
  2. On a scale from 1-10, how much do you like Harry Potter?
  3. Who was in the golden trio?
  4. What house is Luna Lovegood in?
  5. What house was Susan Bones sorted into during Harry's first year
  6. How long will you like/love Harry Potter
  7. What creature was in the dungeons during Harry's first year?
  8. What house was Regulus Black in?
  9. Who was the reason that Harry lost all the bones in his arm in, The Chamber Of Secrets?
  10. Who is MY favorite duo?

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Quiz topic: How much do I like Harry potter