How Much Do You Know About The Murder Of Me (TMOM)

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The Murder of Me, also known as TMOM, is a Sonic the Hedgehog fancomic made by Gigi-D! There's currently 12 issues finished with the 13th in progress, and it's filled with drama, adventure, murder, and a big fluffy god known as Zielo!

For this quiz, Zielo found you and wants to make you a soulless and serve him. But you pleaded for mercy and he gives you a chance. If you pass this quiz, you will go off free and not be a soulless, but fail, you'll become his soulless and you will never be the same, never see your loved ones, and will eventually die! Let's see how "perfect" you'll be on this test!

Created by: SeptemberSapphire19
  1. What was the name of the town that Sonic knew his mom and friends lived in?
  2. Heephis had an apprentice before he died. Who was his apprentice's name?
  3. There's three stages to being a soulless. What's the third stage called?
  4. Sonic, Silver, and Shadow wears three energy controllers that belonged to three people. Who did they belonged too?
  5. What are the energy controllers used for?
  6. In Issue 6, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles are shown that they are now soulless. Which stages are they in?
  7. In issue 13, Shadow is seen passed out doing what?
  8. Who is the youngest brother of the three gods?
  9. True or False: Celios is known as the wisest of the three god brothers?
  10. In what issue was Gigi first seen in as a cameo?
  11. Does Zielo have ears?
  12. Celios also had an apprentice before he died. What was his apprentice's name?
  13. Name the timelines that Sonic, Silver, and Shadow are from in order:
  14. How many times in total did Gigi had cameos in the comic series? Note: This goes for issues 1 through 12, so any future comics won't count for this question.
  15. Last question, who said this quote: "How can anyone, love someone, as pathetically worthless as you?"

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About The Murder Of Me (TMOM)
