How much do you know about the Lion King?

Hello! I hope you have watched the Lion King and know all the lyrics by heart because it's time for a quiz! In the next ten questions you will find out how good your knowledge is of the lion king.

There are some tricky questions, so good luck and I hope you have fun! Yayyyy! I'm gonna do gibberish now as I don't know what to put. fivon\odibn'pifb'jndiobhndp ijmncoisvewioghvdiovhoich ncoi bn

Created by: BiscuitBear37
  1. The First question is a bit of a challenge..So, How many songs does the Lion King have in it?
  2. Who sings Hakuna Matata?
  3. Which character is classed as "Evil"?
  4. Finish the lyricsI just can't wait to be....
  5. Finish the lyrics, part 2Can you feel the .... tonight?
  6. Hakuna Matata means...?
  7. How many songs does Simba have at least one line in?
  8. True or False: Zazu sings two lines or more in the song "I Just can't wait to be king!"
  9. True or False: There are four hyenas
  10. The song "Can you feel the love tonight?" Is exactly how many seconds
  11. Good luck!

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about the Lion King?
