How Much Do You Know About Poppy (the singer)?

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Moriah Rose Pereira, known in the music industry as Poppy or That Poppy, is a singer/YouTuber who makes songs that don’t specifically have one genre to them. She also makes scary YouTube videos.

How much do you know about Poppy? Can you effortlessly name her first extended play album? Can you tell me the name of her first published book? Maybe.

Created by: Reyma Carvakal
  1. What is the name of the video where Poppy creates two identical copies of herself?
  2. What is the name of Poppy’s first graphic novel?
  3. How expensive was The Gospel Of Poppy?
  4. What was the inspiration for Am I A Girl?
  5. What is Poppy’s real name?
  6. What are Poppy’s fans called in Poppy’s Inferno?
  7. Is Poppy a robot?
  8. What genre does Poppy sing in?
  9. What genre did Poppy create?
  10. What was the name of Poppy’s first EP?

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Quiz topic: How Much do I Know About Poppy (the singer)?
