How Much Do you know about KOTLC? (HARD)

Welcome to a quiz to see if you are a true Keeper of the Lost Cities fan! The questions are hard, so be prepared!! We hope you enjoy the quiz and good luck!

This quiz might contain spoilers and this is your warning. Keeper of the Lost Cities is the best series ever and if something is spoiled for you, we aren’t responsible.

Created by: Ultimate KOTLC Fans
  1. Who is Dex’s mother?
  2. What is Sophie’s Mom’s middle name?
  3. Which councillor has a ruby in their crown?
  4. Which alicorn was born first: Luna or Wynn?
  5. What ability does Jensi’s brother have?
  6. Which book does Biana manifest in?
  7. Which councillor is a Beguiler?
  8. Which book does Marella manifest in?
  9. What is Linh’s nickname in Unlocked when Sophie is listing nicknames for her friends in the Black Swan?
  10. True or False: Greyfell had a mate before Silveny.

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Quiz topic: How Much do I know about KOTLC? (HARD)
