How much do you know about Harry Potter?

Hi Harry Potter fans! If you're looking for a boredom breaker than you found one! This is an easy Harry Potter trivia quiz. I constucted this quiz based on details we get told.

I hope you enjoy. I tried my best to make it as simple as possible. Comment your Harry Potter house. I'm a Slytherin. But don't worry I'm really nice and not a death eater!

Created by: Bunnylover303
  1. Why is Harry an orphan?
  2. Who are Harry's only living relatives?
  3. What is the name of Harry's arch-enemy?
  4. What is the name of the house that Harry gets sorted into?
  5. Who are Ron's brothers?
  6. Which side is severus snape on?
  7. What was Voldemort's childhood name?
  8. Which was Voldemort's favourite teacher?
  9. Who was DRACO's favourite teacher?
  10. What is the first horcrux destroyed?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Harry Potter?
