How much are you like me?

Are you like me? Probably not but we can try and see. I am a rare species of awesome.( And a total boss) now if you think your like me take the quiz and find out! No one but Zeus is stopping you! (If you are a different religion deduct 4points) Sorry ):

I don't care, you took the damn quiz and I don't really care much (: ha ha ha just kidding buddy I care. (Barley) so yay and I hope you enjoy my free pony! *gives pony*

Created by: Rainbow warrior
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you random?
  2. Do you watch Hetalia?
  3. Rainbows or darkness
  4. Pepsi or Coke
  5. Do you like Three days grace?
  6. What hair color do you have?
  7. Shane or smosh
  8. Are you healthy
  9. Fanfiction?
  10. Role play?
  11. Have you ever shot a real gun.
  12. Candy addict?
  13. Video games?
  14. Save the earth!!!
  15. Funny t-shirts?
  16. Big Bang theory?

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Quiz topic: How much am I like me?