How long are you and your dragon going to live QUIZ?!

This is my first quiz so don't laugh at me. In this quiz you dragon and you rider are going to learn how long your dragon going to live for short time, medium, long, or FOREVER! :) This quiz may cause you to laugh, joke or you may stay seriously. He he.

You may be a great rider and dragon but you may retake and see if it is not what you want maybe fate well like you and give you what you want maybe not.

Created by: MsFlames
  1. How to YOU Rider look on the world?
  2. How do YOU DRAGON look at the world?
  3. What do you want to be in the future.
  4. Do you rider like to fly or no?
  5. What do you rider like as a weapon.
  6. Do you dragon like to fly or no
  7. How fast do you like you fly dragon
  8. What meat type do you like dragon?
  9. Rider do you go to hunt with your rider
  10. Did you like this quiz
  11. Did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: How long am I and my dragon going to live QUIZ?!
