How kind are you in the lunchroom?

Hello! This quiz indicates about how nice you are in the lunchroom. Are you Kind, Shy, Multi - feeling, or Rowdy? See what you get at the end of this!

Please take time into this. I made this in 1 and a half hours. My back is sore but I hope it was worth it. I hope you won't let me down so easily. I hope...

Created by: Sarah
  1. Hi! First question : what do you think you are going to get on this quiz?
  2. The person on your right throws a meatball and it acedentally lands on you and they apologize. What are you going to do?
  3. Your friend chews their food then opens her mouth with out swallowing. What are you going to do?
  4. At lunchtime a trusty friend to you tells you that a so - called friend says you're dumb. What are you going to do to them?
  5. You hear the person at your left swear. What are you going to do?
  6. A friend is getting bullied. What do you do?
  7. The lunch line has your least favorite food for lunch. What do you do?
  8. You hear that there are rumors saying that you are lesbian/gay. What now.
  9. Someone who is the same gender as you flirts with you. What now?
  10. Someone comes and tells you this quiz is over. Now what?

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Quiz topic: How kind am I in the lunchroom?