How hot are you

Hi, girls! This is your girl Makayla making my second quiz. I’m not sure if people actually read these, but whatever. Remember to rate and comment! Xoxo 💋

I don’t know why I need to write TWO paragraphs. SO annoying. I could be doing my makeup right now. Ugh. Anyway, I hope you like the quiz and stuff. So now you can take it.

Created by: MakaylaIsHot
  1. What color is your hair
  2. What color are your eyes
  3. What color is your skin
  4. How big is your butt
  5. How big is your chest
  6. How big are your lips
  7. Do you wear crop tops
  8. Please remember to rate the quiz
  9. And comment
  10. Byeeeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: How hot am I
