HoW hAwT aRe YeW??

Personality Test (Big Five)

Ok WELL ummm i wanted to make this quiz because i thought it would be cool and i just wanted to....ummm....make it. The results to my hawt quiz are based on opinions about the looks and the personality.

so do you know how hawt you really are?? you can take my quiz and find out because a lot of time and effort was put into this quiz so my answers are pretty accurate. true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder....whatever that means.

What is your age?
Under 18 Years Old
18 to 24 Years Old
25 to 30 Years Old
31 to 40 Years Old
41 to 50 Years Old
51 to 60 Years Old
Over 60 Years Old
What is your gender?
WoUlD yEw CoNsIdEr YoUrSeLf....
WhOlEsOmE gOoDy GoOd
NiCe BuT sTiLl PrEtTy
UgLy & NeRdY
FaVoRiTe MoViE cHaNnElS??
sCiFi-U lIkE tHaT wEiRd StUfF!!!! OoOoO
AcTiOn ChAnNeLs-YeAh BaBy BlOw It Up??
dIsNeY & NiCkAlOdEoN-aWwW sPoNgEbOb GoT hUrT!!!!
VH1 & MTV-aLl AbOuT tHa MuSiC & tHa CeLeBrEaLiTy!!!!
WoUlD yEw RaThEr Be ShY oR sLuTtY??
sLuTtY AiNt ThAt BaD....rItE??
a LiL sHy SuMtImEs Is Ok!!!!
HoW lOnG dO yEw SpEnD gEtTiNg ReAdY tO gO sUmWhErE??
jEaNs, A sHiRt, BaLl CaP & iM gOoD....5 mInUtEs ToPs!!!!
dEpEnDs On WhErE iM gOiNg & WhO iM gOnNa SeE....I dOnT hAvE tO lOoK pErFeCt AlL tHe TiMe!!!!
20 MiNuTeS aT tHa LeAsT....hEy I gOtTa LoOk DeCeNt!!!!
UHhHhhH....cOuPlA hOuRs....I dOnT lEaVe ThE hOuSe Un LeSs I LoOk Ah-MaZiNg!!!!
ToTaLlY pRePpY!!!! iM cUtE tHaT WaY!!!!
tOtAlLy GoThIc!!!! PiNk Is A cOlOr??
nOrMaL....i wEaR wHaT i FeEl LiKe WeArInG!!!! dOnT cArE wHaT pPl ThInK!!!!
i DoNt CaRe WhAt I lOoK lIkE....nO oNe EvEr LoOkS aT mE aNyWaYs....
qUiEt....FiLlEd WiTh DaRkNeSs & SuiCiDaL tHoUgHtS....mItE gO eMo....
LoUd AnD aNnOyInG....gEtTiNg On PpLz NeRvEs Is My SpEcIaLtY!!!!
qUiEt BuT sTiLl TaLkAtIvE aRoUnD pPl ThAt KnOw Me BeSt!!!!
OuTgOiNg WhEn I fEeL lIkE iT sHy WhEn I wAnNa Be....MeAn If YeW mAkE mE mAd BuT nIcE iF yEw DoNt!!!!
HoW mUcH dO yEw SpEnD oN cLoThEs??
DoEsNt MaTtEr ThA pRiCe As LoNg As ItS cUtE!!!! HoLlIsTeR oR wAl-MaRt DoNt MaTtEr As LoNg As I lIkE iT!!!!
mOrE tHaN 40$$ fOr OnE iTeM oF cLoThInG iS oUtRaGeOuS!!!!
iF i GoT tHa MoNeY i WiLl SpEnD wHaT i WaNt!!!!
HeY mAn Im On A BuDgEt!!!!
FaVoRiTe DaNcE & cRaZy SoNg??
wHeN i DiP u DiP!!!
wHeN i MoVe u mOvE jUsT lIkE tHaT!!!!
EvErYbOdY dAnCe NoW!!!!
i DoNt DaNcE....tHe DaRk LoRdS tElL mE nOt To....
DrOp It LiKe ItS hOtT!!!!
(snort!!!!) TeChNo MuSiC iS mY fAvE (push glasses up on nose) (another snort)
WhAt Do YeW wAnT oUt Of A rElAtIoNsHiP??
a fling (2-3 weeks....nuthin serious)
i wouldnt even call it a young i just wanna flirt
i wanna be in love with sum 1 who is in love with me....not just now but 4 ever....or at least 4 a while....
i just use ppl....
like 4 ppl at a time im young....who cares about hurting ppl
WoUlD yEw RaThEr Be In LoVe WiTh SuM 1 wHo Is....
all of the above
a cheater & liar
sum 1 just for now

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