how goth are you?

are u a gothic wanna be? or do u like the gothic style and wanna know how gothic u are? try ur like with this quiz ps:this quiz is not the best but i tried lol! :p

this quiz can test if ur a complete girly-girl, or a punkish type, or maybe even a gothic girl! maybe even if u are goth and u wanna make sure u are, this quiz is also good to test ur gothic knowledge

Created by: glam girl
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is ur fav color?
  2. what clothes do u like to wear?
  3. what type of animal would u b?
  4. what creature would u b?
  5. pick an element!
  6. what color would u die ur hair?
  7. what personality do u have?
  8. if u saw a black cat what would u do?
  9. last question think fast!
  10. rate or comment? (wont effect score)

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Quiz topic: How goth am I?