How Firm are you?

You don't run, not when you're with us... You stand your ground and fight! You know the best part? It isn't knowing that your friends have your back. It's knowing that you have your friends' back.

I've never lived closer to danger, but I've never felt safer. I've never felt more confident, and people could spot it from a mile away. And as for this, the violence? I gotta be honest - it grew on me. Once you've taken a few punches and realize you're not made of glass, you don't feel alive unless you're pushing yourself as far as you can go.

Created by: Tony
  1. You walk into the Vous on a Friday night, where do you sit?
  2. A fight breaks out in the Vous, you...
  3. You're hungry after a 30 hour drinking binge, you...
  4. You want to be in the Firm, you...
  5. You are in the Vous and about to rumble, you...
  6. It's Saturday afternoon after a long night of partying, you...
  7. It's thursday night and you step up to the Vous' jukebox, you...
  8. It's a Saturday night at the Vous and you've just been b---- slapped across the face, you...
  9. The secret of the Firm is...
  10. It's Friday night and you get a call from the Firm, you...

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Quiz topic: How Firm am I?