How evil are you ?

Hi there willl you comment and rate my quiz ? please or i'll get mad at you! please will you ?you willl! good this is just a space filler i hate writing with so much

hi people please take my quiz please ?willl you ? you will! good this is just a spce filler so yeah i really hate writing this! i am bored so i made this quiz hope you like it!

Created by: xXvampiregirlXx

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. you just foung out somebody just set your car on fire what do you do ?
  2. HI!
  4. pick something out of my magic hat!
  5. you just got SOOOO mad at someone because (put why here) and you see a helpless kitten on the ground what do you do ?
  6. do you hate me ?
  7. if somebody came up and slaped you across the face what would you do ?
  8. why are you talking this quiz ?
  9. have you ever got ex-spelled from school ?
  10. will you comment?
  11. rate ?
  12. did you like this quiz ?
  13. goodbye!

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Quiz topic: How evil am I ?