How dramatic are you?

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Hello welcome everyone (random quest parts of my family schools)! This quiz may tell you how much drama you have!! So be very honest!! This may not be 100% accurate!

Also if your young like -6 then do NOT take this test!! But if your older then 6 good!! I told you that’s because you will not know A LOT of the words!

Created by: Janista
  1. How often do you faint?
  2. What is your fav color
  3. What is your fav color (continued)
  4. Where would you sleep?
  5. Do you sleep with stuffies?
  6. What is your gender
  7. What would your friends think about you?
  8. For your “dramatic” memory what was the 3rd question
  9. Are you a teen?
  10. How was the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How dramatic am I?
