How do you fart?

This quiz will show you what type of farts you produce! Just remember everyone farts so don't be ashamed! So go out there and fart like you mean it!!! :D

No matter what type of farts you make be proud of how you fart! So just like always be proud of who you are and where your from so go out there and don't be afraid to let it out!

Created by: Evan
  1. Have you ever farted in public?
  2. How much do you fart a day?
  3. Has anyone ever noticed your farts?
  4. How loud are your farts on a scale from 1- over 9000
  5. How old are you?
  6. What was the last thing to enter your mouth
  7. Do you enjoy farting?
  8. Do you know anyone who farts more or louder than you?
  9. Do you fart in your sleep?
  10. Are you a boy or girl (male or female?)

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