How did you die in Warriors?

HI! IN THIS QUIZ YOU CAN SEE HOW you'd die if you were in warriors. Also at the end of this quiz you can tell me what I should rename myself so the next quizzes won't say that they were made by Rit.


Created by: Rit
  1. Hi! You must be... (Choose your name below.)
  2. How are your kits?
  3. Who's your father?
  4. What season is it?
  5. Who is your apprentice? (If you are a mentor. If not choose none.)
  6. Who is/was your mentor?
  7. Has your prey ever got out of your claws?
  8. Do you play favorites?
  9. Rate and comment? (Doesn't effect result.)
  10. Ready to see your results?

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