How cute are you

So are you cute or no this quiz will point out if you okay looking cute gorgeous or ugly. A gorgeous person is someone who is good on the inside as well as being gorgeous on the outside.

Are you truly gorgeous? Do you have the guts to find out if ur actually gorgeous. Do you really want to find out if your the only one who' thinks there gorgeous .

Created by: Taytayandmadmad
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your body shape
  2. Clothes type
  3. What stereotype fits
  4. Butt type
  5. What shoe type
  6. Store you shop at
  7. How do you like this quiz
  8. Just pick the right one
  9. Do u think you cute
  10. No offense to your answers

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Quiz topic: How cute am I