how coolio are you?

many people think their cool, but very few are coolio, take this quiz.coolio coolio coolio coolio coolioio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio cooolio coolio coolio

so if you have been thinking about taking this quiz do it its the coolio thing to do. coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio coolio

Created by: Cass
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What do you smell like?
  2. what do you live in?
  3. do you fart in front of your crush?
  4. do you eat pancakes or cereal?
  5. if you were to order pizza(RIGHT NOW!) what is your topping?
  6. what is your name?
  7. what kind of music do you listen to?
  8. do you think your coolio?
  9. do you think your coolio?
  10. now do you think WE are coolio?

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Quiz topic: How coolio am I?