How Childish Are You?

In the quiz below you can find out how childish you are. This is my first time making a quiz. Maybe while doing this quiz you can spark your inner child. Please leave a comment saying if you liked it or not if you can.

There are ten questions so the quiz is not very long. I didn't want to bore anyone. I liked some of the other quizzes and thats what inspired me to make this one.

Created by: UrLocalBro
  1. This is my first quiz so I hope you like it.
  2. How old are you?
  3. At what age did you stop sucking on your thumb (if at all)?
  4. Describe yourself in one word.
  5. How many friends did you have as a kid?
  6. How many of those friends do you have now?
  7. At what age did you stop throwing temper tantrums?
  8. How often did you get what you wanted as a kid because your parents didn't care?
  9. How often did you get punished for bad behavior?
  10. Did you like this Quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Childish am I?
