How bored are you?


zwxdrgbyhnujmizxervgyhbunjimkozdrcftvgyhbunjimkozxrfctvgyhbunjim,xerdctfvgyhbunjimkxrcftvgybuhnjimksxfctvgyhbunjirxdfctvgybuhnijxrdfctgbyuhnxdctfgbuhnj done

Created by: 123457890

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are in a haunted old place for no reason. the lights go out. What do you do?
  2. no more quetions. i gotta fill these up.
  3. yes or no?
  4. Why is harry potter better than twilight?
  5. seft6yguhijokpa3s4dr56ftg7yhuj9iokp?
  6. do any of these questions have an effect on your answer?
  7. What house are you in?
  8. 3 more questions
  9. bleh
  10. Last question!!

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Quiz topic: How bored am I?