how beautiful are you?

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this 11 question quiz will determine how other people see you. whether you get the answer stunning or hobo please remember you are GORGEOUS and no one can tell you different!!

by the way this is my very first quiz so please if you enjoyed it please leave a happy face rating and/or a comment! thank you so much, have a great day

Created by: Hollie
  1. how long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
  2. how much makeup do you wear?
  3. how much money do you spend on beauty products each month?
  4. how many times each day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
  5. how many times each month do you buy new clothes?
  6. what's your zodiac sign?
  7. do you ever feel insecure about your body?
  8. would you feel comfortable wearing a bikini at a beach?
  9. what's your element? (if you don't know google your zodiac signs element)
  10. do you think of yourself as beautiful?
  11. final question, this is my first ever quiz, did you like it? (your answer won't affect the score)

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I?
