Hot love (Ep.1)

The first episode is out woohoo the next episode (WARNING TINY SPOILER) You meet Ashely she was going on a date too you were waiting she was going on a date with a normal human but you dont care if she teases you for dating a demon

Read above please I typed a lot for this so please dont skip this episode plush id you go to episode two first nothing with make since I wont remind you of anything in the next episode

Created by: My_Wolves
  1. Your parents are cooking dinner they say you can either watch TV or do nothing
  2. After a bit you smell smoke and hear you moms scream she screams 'RUN NOW!' You?
  3. You look back and see your house burn with you parents inside
  4. You get a hotel room its free after you told them what happened since you are only 15
  5. In the morning you eat then when you get back to your room there's a rose on your bed
  6. you decide to go swimming to get your parents death off your mind
  7. When you get back to your room you have a love letter right by your tv
  8. 'Roses are red Violets are blue my mind is on you' (Sorry if its terrible)
  9. You listen to music
  10. Ok guys sooooooooooo i'm not that romantic so im sorry if its bad the note was the only thing that came to mind so im very sorry if you dislike it 🙇

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