Harsh Life of warrior cats: Can you survive #2

IM SOOO SORRY EVERYONE, THIS IS THE WRONG QUIZ TYPE! PLEASE DO THE QUIZ CALLED:Harsh Life of warrior cats: Can you survive #2.5 blah blah, i need to fill the space

IM SOOOO SORRY EVERYONE, THIS IS THE WRONG QUIZ TYPE! PLEASE DO MY QUIZ CALLED: Harsh Life of warrior cats: Can you survive #2.5 blah blah, i need to fill space

Created by: Xenon

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What did you score on the first Quiz? If you didnt take the 1st one you should now.
  2. What did you score on the first Quiz? If you didnt take the 1st one you should now.
  3. Your an apprentice on a hunting patrol with your mentor. What happened?
  4. Do this one only if you caught something! You get back from hunting and a senior warrior praises you on your hunting skills. You...
  5. Only do this one if you didn't catch anything! You come back to camp empty pawed, you...
  6. You go for a walk alone and stop by the training area where NightPaw, a tom/she cat who played with you when you were a kit is doing some fighting moves. What do you do?
  7. Your mentor asks you to get the ticks out of FrayedEar's pelt. You...
  8. The gathering is tonight and you get picked to go! What do you do when you get there?
  9. When the gathering starts you...
  10. At the end of the gathering DreamPaw a friend of yours from another clan tells you that they are planning an attack on your clan. How do you react?
  11. Three days later the battle comes, your leader DustStar puts you on the patrol of warriors, in the fight you...
  12. Three days later the battle comes, your leader DustStar puts you on the patrol of warriors, in the fight you...
  13. When the fights over you...

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Quiz topic: Harsh Life of warrior cats: can I survive #2