Harry Potter House Survey

Well, What house are you in? Slytherin... The darker side of it all.... RavenClaw with their heads held high and their eyes wise. Amazing they are. You're house decides your destiny...

Could you be HufflePuff? The Loyal ones that people could always look up too, or Gryffindor... The Brave. Like Harry Potter, they have a heart of gold. Which will you be?

Created by: Paul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. One word of these below to describe you?
  2. One color to describe you?
  3. If Draco Malfoy asked to be your friend would you...
  4. If Hagrid asked you to have a cup of tea with you would you...
  5. When Harry snuck out to duel Draco Malfoy and you happened to be Neville would you,
  6. It's your first day at Hogwarts and you dont know your House yet would you hope to be in...
  7. Would you most want to be friends with...
  8. Hm, teachers... Whats your favorite teacher?
  9. If Dudley were you're cousin... Would you,
  10. Draco broke his arm and everyone laughed at him, would you...

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