Harry Potter Are you a real fan?

below there will be an example of what to expect when you finish this quiz. i am such a fan i have made two quizzes today. both on Harry Potter. i love J.K. Rowling's work. lol xoxo

YOU REALLY KNOW YOUR STUFF. GREAT JOB!!!you are really talented when it comes to the life of Harry Potter. LOL** Harry Potter.** **MAGIC** **WANDS** i hope you will come to my other quizzes. trending now is Witch My Little Pony Character are you?

Created by: Ginny Weasley
  1. How old was harry when he first talked to a snake?
  2. What is Harry Potter's wand made of?
  3. who taught Harry Potter to concoct an antidote?
  4. BONUS QUESTION. Who killed Arianna Dumbledore?
  5. in what book did Harry meet Tom Riddle?
  6. Who wrote the Harry Potter series?
  7. BONUS QUESTION. Who captured Grindlewald?
  8. Who is Harry Potter's cousin?
  9. Why did Luna Lovegood believe in Snorkel nosed wing things?
  10. When did Harry Potter take Parvati Patil to the Yule Ball?

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Quiz topic: Harry Potter am I a real fan?
