Hard Quiz on Wings of Fire: books 1-10

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Hello! Welcome to my quiz. This is a HARD quiz, so you might want to re-read all your books before doing this one. This is a quiz for those fans who are literally WoF geeks.

Do you want to test your knowledge? Have you read so much WoF that you want to make sure all the info you collected is right? Well this is the quiz for you! Good luck!

Created by: Starflight
  1. In Book 9, Kinkajou stated that Darkstalker looked like he was posing for a picture called__________.
  2. In which book is this quote said in?"I have something DREADFULLY SHOCKING to tell you!" (I'm not telling you who said it though. That would make it a lot easier.)
  3. How many dragons in the most recent generation of SeaWings were real animus dragons?
  4. NightWings are known for:
  5. Is Starflight cool?
  6. How does Morrowseer die?
  7. Who is in the Jade Winglet?
  8. Who is Turtle's clawmate?
  9. In The Lost Heir, when the dragonets are in the prison, Who votes to not try to get out?
  10. What name does Glory suggest for Auklet?

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