Halo knowledge test thing

Think you have the big wrinkled brain? Think you know more about Halo then your own life? Take the quiz and see just how much game stuff you really know.

Includes two categories:Character quotes and random trivia. So that's sick. Ok I hate whoever put charactef limits here why it's so dumb there is no reason for them

Created by: RavagerThe44th
  1. The flood is controlled by the ____
  2. What is the Master Chief's real name?
  3. What important Covenant ship was turned into a flood hive?
  4. What is the name of the Arbiter (Halo 3-Onward)
  5. "Dear Humanity. We _____ being alien b------s. We _____ coming to Earth. And we most certainly _____ that the corps just blew up our raggedy @$$ fleet!"
  6. "Ain't I supposed to be immune to this?"Is a rare quote said by...
  7. "You got to quit talkin' in Sangheili, okay? You gotta talk human! I don't understand Sangheili. All I hear is "wort wort wort"." Is said by...
  8. The Harbinger from Halo Infinite is of what species?
  9. The flamethrower first appeared in...
  10. Carter's quote, "Your file mentioned this." Is said when...

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