guess the song from the lyrics

duuuude if u dont pass this quiz i mite hav to kill ya, =] um well this thing has to be lik longggg so hehe its 2:39 am rite now IM NOT TIRED IM HAVIN A SUGAR RUSH OMG!! hehe and chillin and whatnot lik doin stuff! lollll

my quiz rocks. more then u. hehe im lik havin a ssuger rush hehe!!!! omgogggg lik i hav to type soooo effffinggg much and i ahteeeee it oops misssspelled hate haha weeeeeee

Created by: darcie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. all because of you i havent slept in so long when i do i dream of drowning in the ocean
  2. i could find a way without, tell him his eyes see to clear
  3. lets start a riot, a riot, lets start a riot, lest start a riot, a riot
  4. we can go back, can go back, can go back, we can we can go back, can go back, can go back we can
  5. i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do you know what that mean man i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t do you know what that mean man
  6. hey miss murder can i, hey miss murder can i, make beauty stay if i, take my life
  7. even if i say it'll be alright still i hear you say you want to end your life
  8. i see a line of cars and they're all painted black
  9. so what if you can see the darkest side of me no one will ever change this animal i have become
  10. i can feel you all around me thickening the air im breathing holding on to what im feeling savoring this heart thats healing

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