Greek God Mythology Test

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My test is to see if you know your facts like me and I will push you to your limits and after you reach your limits I will push you harder you see I am a 9 year old who studies Greek and roman mythology and I know my stuff.

. Hi again I know its a 20 question test but this is to see if you know your stuff like you might think you know it all but you might not so take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Michael Thrower. of godtest
(your link here more info)
  1. How was athena born?
  2. How was dionysus born?
  3. What is ares the god of?
  4. What is the home of the 12 olympians?
  5. What is athena the god of?
  6. Are apollo and artemis twins?
  7. Is hecate the goddess of magic and crossroads?
  8. Are ares and athena half brother and sister?
  9. Is pan the son of hermes?
  10. Is zeus married to his sister hera?
  11. Are you good a this tell the truth?
  12. Is athena a maiden?
  13. Is artemis a maiden?
  14. Who is apollo and artemis's mother?
  15. Is persephone the daughter of demeter goddess of agriculture?
  16. Are you feeling good about this test?
  17. What is the home for the titans?
  18. Is zeus the god of all gods?
  19. What is hephaestus the god of?
  20. What is my name
  21. You finished the quiz how do you feel.

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